About us

We present a bouquet of services to make your life happy and lucky. Soon we are onboarding variety of unique products and services to you.

Learning Gifts and Toys (Yotoyz Pune) form an important and fun part in a child’s development. It always provides an opportunity for a kid to learn. The best ones spark their imagination, engage the kids’ senses which in turn helps develop their logical and creative thinking. This is exactly why BeHaLu exists.

BeHaLu is a platform by a young couple, like you, who wish to provide today’s kids with the joy of experiencing toys the way they are supposed to be – by stimulating young minds, honing developmental skills (fine motor, gross motor, cognitive, social etc.) and building curiosity. We ourselves are big fans of all such educational and safe toys and use them to help our 6 Months to 2.5-year-old kid become more curious every day. The best part is he loves them too and prefers them to digital entertainment.

BeHaLu - Be Happy & Lucky

भवतु सब्ब मंगलम

Vision & Mission
The Vision and Mission of BeHaLu is to educate each child in a way he or she wants to learn in a Safe, Unique, Creative, Eco-friendly and Healthier atmosphere at the same time they should be very useful as a tool during the day to day activities which focus on child’s development as well as his engagement.
How Different We are?
We have developed concepts like learning outcomes through flashcards, display items like charts, mobiles, display board borders, etc., games - English, Math, General, and projects. We have produced an entire educational kit for the nursery class that contains approximately 550 things and 75 products, and from which approximately 150 activities can be done throughout the year.
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